In 1954 the first and last issue of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Review/Revue Canadienne de Psychanalyse was published.
In 1990, the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society created The Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis/Revue Canadienne de Psychanalyse under the direction of its founding editor, Eva Lester. Eva Lester, conceived the journal as “a medium for diverse psychoanalytic voices not often found in one publication. The very nature of our Society with its two linguistic traditions and its reflection of the psychoanalytic streams in Continental Europe, Great Britain, and the Americas, supports this vision.”
Since 1990 the Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis (CJP) is published twice yearly by the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society. The contents of the journal are available on standard academic databases, including the “PEP web” archive (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing) and our readership is world-wide. In addition to clinical and theoretical papers, CJP accepts contributions in related areas of scientific and humanistic interest, including outcome and technique research, reports on systematic observation of the analytic process, papers related to professional ethics, the history of psychoanalysis, and psychoanalytically-inspired studies of culture, society, and the arts.
Canadian psychoanalytic culture has deep roots in French, British, American, and Latin American psychoanalytic traditions. CJP serves as a unique nexus of scholarly exchange between diverse groups of analysts in North America, Latin America, and Europe. Reflecting the Canadian linguistic identity, the CJP publishes papers in both French and English.

Editor and Editorial Team
Louis Brunet
Associate Editor
Margaret-Ann Fitzpatrick Hanly
Associate Editor
Marie-Claire Lanctôt Bélanger
Editorial Board